Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 2


-Growing middle class, students in expanding universities, increased literacy, monopoly on literacy is bein takin away from the church,
-Incunabula = baby carriage
-Refers to the first 50 years of printing
-What was the first book printed? Gutenberg Bible
-Printing was centered in Germany
-By 1500, 35 editions of 9 million books
-Typography is the major communication advance between the invention of writing and 20th century printing.
-Exemplar – example page

Personal Thoughts:
-todays movie was very boring and alittle hard to follow along with.
- type back then had to be hand carved which must have been alot of work and glad thats not how it is today because it would really suck.
-Gutenberg was just a normal guy but he was famous 

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